TI V OLY & PEUG EO T A shared DNA of technical expertise, performance and family roots in France Sharing Peugeot brand’s values of ingenuity, technical expertise and family spirit, Tivoly developed with Peugeot, is a recent story, since 2022, the Tivoly...
TI V OLY & PEUG EO T A shared DNA of technical expertise, performance and family roots in France Sharing Peugeot brand’s values of ingenuity, technical expertise and family spirit, Tivoly developed with Peugeot, is a recent story, since 2022, the Tivoly family business has but one that is firmly rooted in our shared industrial been supported by Peugeot Frères Industrie origins of steel processing by ingenious men. in the internationalization of its distribution, acceleration of a wide and innovative product Tivoly developed by Peugeot is the joining of two offering, and the strengthening of its social strong brands with the same demands for high- commitments. performance, innovative products and the same acute sense of customer focus. T H E A S S U R A N C E O F S U C C E S S