In this groundbreaking work, Bernadette Brady offers deep insights and astrological techniques for bringing the future to light. 'Predictive Astrology' shows the reader how to use Time Maps to approach the fate of the transits and includes new methods for...
In this groundbreaking work, Bernadette Brady offers deep insights and astrological techniques for bringing the future to light. 'Predictive Astrology' shows the reader how to use Time Maps to approach the fate of the transits and includes new methods for calibrating and filtering progressions, returns of all kinds, eclipses, and planetary areas. By combining these techniques, you can reveal the future and put various aspects of your life into perspective. This new Weiser Classics edition includes a foreword by Theresa Reed, author of 'Astrology for Real Life'. “'Predictive Astrology' is a timeless masterpiece that every astrologer will want by their side as they deepen their astrological studies. The best way to learn is through practice, trial, and error, with a good teacher at the helm. Bernadette Brady is one of the best in the field. With this book, you’re getting a master class in understanding what goes into predictive astrology."