1 Review Review previously taught graphemes and harder to Lesson Structure read and spell words. Essential Letters and Sounds is based on simplicity and consistency, and is delivered through whole-class 2 Teach lessons. The teaching sequence is Teach new...
1 Review Review previously taught graphemes and harder to Lesson Structure read and spell words. Essential Letters and Sounds is based on simplicity and consistency, and is delivered through whole-class 2 Teach lessons. The teaching sequence is Teach new graphemes the same in all stages of the lesson, and harder to read and from whole-class teaching to one-to- spell words. one intervention. Learners are given A systematic synthetic the opportunity to hear and say each sound, first in isolation, and then phonics programme for within words and sentences. Practice and repetition are key. 3 Practise English Home Language This is the teaching sequence for Practise the graphemes lessons where new letter–sounds taught in the lesson. correspondences are taught. Get all learners to read well quickly with Essential Letters and Sounds. phoneme = the smallest single 4 Apply The programme follows a structured identifiable sound Apply the learning from approach to phonics instruction that grapheme =