...bringing you news,views and opinions every month JUNE 2019, ISSUE 123 FREE AMAZING SUPER GRAN a RHONDA FUNDRAISING FOR HOSPITALS A daredevil granny from Bushey took on the fastest zipwire in Europe last month to raise funds for the hospitals that saved...
...bringing you news,views and opinions every month JUNE 2019, ISSUE 123 FREE AMAZING SUPER GRAN a RHONDA FUNDRAISING FOR HOSPITALS A daredevil granny from Bushey took on the fastest zipwire in Europe last month to raise funds for the hospitals that saved her life. After a double heart bypass and eight stents, Rhonda Davis’ doctors told her she now has a heart as strong as an ox – that’s a theory she has definitely put to the test by taking part in a number of hair-raising feats ever since. Three years ago, she jumped out of a plane in a... CONTINUED ON PAGES 4 & 5... Contact us today for your FREE valuation 020 8950 7777 www.benjaminstevens.co.uk To advertise with mylocal Distributed NEWSFREE call to homes 01923 in Bushey 866065 | and Bushey Heath EVERY MONTH www.mynewsmag.co.uk l June 2019 l 1