EL DORADO HILLS CSD CELEBRATES 60 YEARS! V O L 2 4 W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022 Community Resource & Recreation Guide EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT The CSD is turning 60! In the late 1950’s, Allan H. Lindsey and the Allan H. Lindsey Company team worked...
EL DORADO HILLS CSD CELEBRATES 60 YEARS! V O L 2 4 W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022 Community Resource & Recreation Guide EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT The CSD is turning 60! In the late 1950’s, Allan H. Lindsey and the Allan H. Lindsey Company team worked toward a vision of a truly special place to live - El Dorado Hills. “Some thought has been given to the possibility of forming a Community Services District”, Allan Lindsay, 5/5/1960. Over the years, the CSD has gone through many changes, and we are looking forward at what the community wants to become. Special CITYHOOD Events El Dorado Hills has entertained cityhood Check out our upcoming events. See Page 13 several times, and this has again become a matter of interest of the community and the Community Services District (CSD). The destiny of the community in becoming a city will be incumbent upon its residents, the business community, and the good faith efforts of local government agencies. See Page 3 EDHCSD.ORG 916-933-6624 ex t.0