Annex 2d: Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary) 1. Summary information School Thomas Tallis School Academic Year 2017- Total PP budget £548,5100 Date of most recent PP Review 09/2017 2018 Total number of pupils 1363 Number of pupils eligible for PP...
Annex 2d: Pupil premium strategy statement (secondary) 1. Summary information School Thomas Tallis School Academic Year 2017- Total PP budget £548,5100 Date of most recent PP Review 09/2017 2018 Total number of pupils 1363 Number of pupils eligible for PP 586 Date for next internal review of this strategy 04/2018 2. Current attainment Pupils eligible for PP () Pupils not eligible for PP (2016-2017) % achieving 5A* - C incl. EM (approximated from 1-9 for comparison) 44% (46%) 67% ( 66%) % achieving Better than national average P8 in English and Maths 34%/27% (53%/32%) 42%/33% (54%/51%) Progress 8 score average -0.37 (-0.23) -0.16 (+0.08) Attainment 8 score average 41.79 49.09 3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP) In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills) A. Literacy and Numeracy continue to be a barrier to students at KS4 B. Progress of more able learners needs to develop as PP students from the more able band (KS2 >lv4)