The Unabomber In 1978, a parcel addressed to a Northwestern fatal, but his next two attacks did result in University professor exploded as it was being fatalities. opened by a campus security officer. This was In 1995, the case took an unexpected turn the...
The Unabomber In 1978, a parcel addressed to a Northwestern fatal, but his next two attacks did result in University professor exploded as it was being fatalities. opened by a campus security officer. This was In 1995, the case took an unexpected turn the start of a series of bomb-containing when the Unabomber promised to end his mad packages that typically were sent to spree if his 35,000-word typewritten universities and airlines. Considering the “Manifesto,” sent to the New York Times and intended victims, the perpetrator was dubbed the Washington Post were published. The UN (university) A (airlines) BOM; hence, the manifesto proved to be a long, rambling rant Unabomber. against technology, but it offered valuable The explosives were usually housed in a pipe clues that broke the case. David Kaczynski within a wooden box. The explosive ingredients realized that the manifesto’s writing style and generally were black powder, smokeless the philosophy it espoused closely resembled powder