UNIVERSIDAD LA GRAN COLOMBIA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN Nombre del docente en formación: - Laura Bojacá López Topic: Every Day-Adverbs of frequency Objective: To recognize how often an activity is performed through the use of adverbs of frequency...
UNIVERSIDAD LA GRAN COLOMBIA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN Nombre del docente en formación: - Laura Bojacá López Topic: Every Day-Adverbs of frequency Objective: To recognize how often an activity is performed through the use of adverbs of frequency in the present simple. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD RECURSOS warming up: - The teacher will continue with the listening video about the adverbs of frequency and review the sentences that the students wrote regarding the video. https://alsgp0.fds.api.xiaomi.com/ video-activity-h5/share.html?vid=v 9odRPdMGv8