T HE S AMMELBAND F LYLEAF N° 1 - O CTOBER 2023 L ANGUAGES AND S AMMELBÄNDE : P ARIS AND V ERSAILLES -S AINT -Q UENTIN —15-16 J UNE 2023 The meeting started with a university libraries. Chris- up separate titles in volumes morning devoted to study tine...
T HE S AMMELBAND F LYLEAF N° 1 - O CTOBER 2023 L ANGUAGES AND S AMMELBÄNDE : P ARIS AND V ERSAILLES -S AINT -Q UENTIN —15-16 J UNE 2023 The meeting started with a university libraries. Chris- up separate titles in volumes morning devoted to study tine Bénévent developed being Sammelbände, and Sammelbände of the collec- the case of the Sorbonne titles of different parts of tions of the Arsenal library, library by analysing a only one title. after an introduction by sixteenth-century catalogue The two papers underlined Nadine Ferey (BnF Arsenal) of the books present in the that while the two institu- of the history of the library library at the time. This list tions presented were very and its collections, and a allows understanding that similar in terms of organisa- presentation by Christine many of these books were tion of knowledge, the way Bénévent (École nationale gathered in Sammelbände the volumes were collected des Chartes) and Lucie Mo- that have disappeared or and organised wit