& , -,.*1t i:il* C il i/-r'l-i-1.\ r^Gl_:_ 1'1 L,*f,; jrl L{, \5g-l+r t,tr,t:m empire states ov morocco united states for morocco amuurish national republic federal government s-societal republican maurikanos- r+ amuurish divine and national movement of the...
& , -,.*1t i:il* C il i/-r'l-i-1.\ r^Gl_:_ 1'1 L,*f,; jrl L{, \5g-l+r t,tr,t:m empire states ov morocco united states for morocco amuurish national republic federal government s-societal republican maurikanos- r+ amuurish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem I adjoining atlantis Moroccan islands e-temple of the moon and sun - s the true and de jure natural peoples - heirs of the land N g-i. self.law. am. master.- <s empire state ov morocco universal sovereign original indigenous natural divine affidavit cover page testament restitution A11 rise and stand and remain standing into perpetuity. This is a sovereign living ancient article iii amuurish amerikan al moroccan court action. We are the sovereign living justice in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. all amuurs are the original indigenous sovereign ancient al moroccan amuurish amerikan ascendents of the gr