mooriib ilEtforgl rspublic teUets[ gobernment ,l goctetegrepubltcsees e[ meurthunog i. g8[f. [gb. gm. mugter affidavit of allodial record of live birth let it be known by all men that around about 9:40 pm on thursday, the 22"d day in the month of ayya r...
mooriib ilEtforgl rspublic teUets[ gobernment ,l goctetegrepubltcsees e[ meurthunog i. g8[f. [gb. gm. mugter affidavit of allodial record of live birth let it be known by all men that around about 9:40 pm on thursday, the 22"d day in the month of ayya r year 1391 moorish calendaE coffesponding to the may zz"d Christian calendar 1969, occurred the live birth and nativity of ka hu sia jhuty ba n shu formerly known as miguel samuel williams jr. in propria persona, sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes a moorishal moroccan national,40.716760' -73.938410 GPS Coordinates 40. 43' A336" N 73o 56' 18. 276" W Greenpoint Hospital300 Skillman Avenue, Brooklyn, New York llzlL union state republic / nortfheff Emexem nofibtuest Btriru /'tbe nortb gutet wherefore, the below signed witnesses do affirm to and verifu all claims to this live binh and nativity. mother: father: julia faye lassiter-williams miguel samuel williams sr. motherts solar return: fatherrs solar return: november 3rd, 1943 ;