C iI i',/=l':)', ]l r..-v',-..t ,-f \ emlire dt8te ob morouo N \ urfte! gtilteg for emerihs moodgbe nstfonull reesublfr teUerull goberflmerte e -societeg republicse es u[ muurih8n0g- s moorigbe iibpne EnDe nEti0nsll mubemente 0b tre 0rrtte n0rtre bDgte...
C iI i',/=l':)', ]l r..-v',-..t ,-f \ emlire dt8te ob morouo N \ urfte! gtilteg for emerihs moodgbe nstfonull reesublfr teUerull goberflmerte e -societeg republicse es u[ muurih8n0g- s moorigbe iibpne EnDe nEti0nsll mubemente 0b tre 0rrtte n0rtre bDgte Emexem + nortb begtp sffric8 + nortle finmerica + tbg n0rtbe gote ell a[ljoining isdtgills re. -tempel oh tlJt moon En]e dun- e $ tbe true en[e !e iure nsturslt peeples + leirs ob tbe [sn[e s -f.s.[.a.m.- s emprre EtetP ob morocco unniberBE[[ gobrretErp 0r[geree[[ irnligrileoug Bxnrtente returs[[ Dibyne hommanie to uppeure st hourte W YORK STATE CITY COURTSI ande all agentes principalls heirs assignes ande any ande all deerivatives thereov STATES CORPORATION COMPANYI ande all agented principalls heirs assignes ande any ande all deerivatives thereov kause ov acctione unlawfu ll occupatione ov sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente annsesstral buriall land daite kommanded to appeare thursday august 25, 144212022) at 10 am easterne ty