Reviews of Electromagnetics, Vol. 2, 2023 Vision paper DOI: 10.53792/RoE/2023/22001. Vision paper: Single-Layer Dual-Band Satellite-IoT Terminal Antennas with Increased Beamwidth. AUTHORS: Ismael Vico Trivino, Miroslav Veljovic, Anja K. Skrivervik....
Reviews of Electromagnetics, Vol. 2, 2023 Vision paper DOI: 10.53792/RoE/2023/22001. Vision paper: Single-Layer Dual-Band Satellite-IoT Terminal Antennas with Increased Beamwidth. AUTHORS: Ismael Vico Trivino, Miroslav Veljovic, Anja K. Skrivervik. Abstract: In this Vision, we present an idea for a low-profile cost-effective, dual-band antenna with a small frequency ratio and enhanced beamwidth, suitable for dual-band bidirectional IoT satellite networks. A broader antenna beamwidth increases the number of Low-Earth-Orbit satellite contacts and decreases the IoT system latency. The proposed patch antenna uses a slot to enable the dual band operation and a set of parasitic elements to modify the radiation pattern in both frequency bands. We present an example operating in L band to illustrate the potential of this idea. The enhanced HPBW is on average 140◦ over the two frequency bands and all angular planes, which is an improvement of 41◦ in comparison to the same