In Mesopotamia, the speakers of the two languages, Sumerian and Akkadian, cohabited for several centuries, which resulted in a Sumerian-Akkadian symbiosis. The Akkadian vocabulary has also been enriched by other languages, Semitic or not, such as Hurrian or...
In Mesopotamia, the speakers of the two languages, Sumerian and Akkadian, cohabited for several centuries, which resulted in a Sumerian-Akkadian symbiosis. The Akkadian vocabulary has also been enriched by other languages, Semitic or not, such as Hurrian or Elamite.
This text presents the hypothesis that relatedness exists between the languages of the Rarámuri in one hand, and this Sumerian-Akkadian symbiosis on the other hand, this despite a great geographical distance between Mesopotamia and North America, and at different historical periods of languages use.
It is most often admitted that a comparison between languages in order to detect a link is all the more relevant as this study takes into account the syntax. However, the simple approach chosen here by the author is to take some words from the semantic field which are not part of secular life - where a relatedness can hardly be demonstrated - but which are attached to symbols of sacred science, at the center of the religion.