Useful phrases for presentations in English For non-native speakers giving a presentation in English can be quite a challenge. There are just so many aspects to consider. Firstly, the audience. Do you know them well? In which case more informal language can...
Useful phrases for presentations in English For non-native speakers giving a presentation in English can be quite a challenge. There are just so many aspects to consider. Firstly, the audience. Do you know them well? In which case more informal language can be used. Or are they unfamiliar to you? If this is the case, then more formal expressions should be adopted. Whether you use more formal or informal language, it is important to engage the audience through positive body language and a warm welcome. Your tone of voice and changes in intonation are additional useful tools and you might consider asking them relevant questions. The audience also needs to see a clear and logical structure to follow you effortlessly. Useful linking expressions, when delivered well, provide effective ‘bridges’ guiding the audience from one point to the next. Here are some useful phrases for presentations in English for effective structure and linking. Introduction • Good morning/afternoon everyone and welc