PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES are adjectives that we use to describe the character and personality of a person. Personality adjectives answer the question: "What is he like?" Personality adjectives can be roughly divided into "good" and "bad" or positive and...
PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES are adjectives that we use to describe the character and personality of a person. Personality adjectives answer the question: "What is he like?" Personality adjectives can be roughly divided into "good" and "bad" or positive and negative, as listed on the following pages. POSITIVE NEGATIVE Altruistic / Altruista Absent-Minded Distraído Unselfish Ambitious Ambicioso Aggressive Agresivo Attentive Cortes, Atento Annoying Molesto Assertive Firme, Asertivo Anxious Ansioso Audacious / Bold Audaz Arrogant Arrogante Adventurous Aventurero Bad-Tempered Malhumorado Brave / Valiente Boastful Fanfarrón Courageous Calm Tranquilo Bossy Mandón Cagey / Reserved Reservado Callous Insensible, cruel Caring Cariñoso Capricious caprichoso Cautious Prudente Cheeky Descarado Charismatic Carismático Clumsy Torpe Charming / Chatty / Encantador Charlatán Lovely Talkative Crazy / Mad / Cheerful / Joyful Alegre Loco, chiflado Nutty Clever / Smart Inteligente Coward Cobarde Considerate Consi