Adjectives & Adverbs How can you form adverbs of manner (which describe how things happen)? Study the grammar reference chart below. Adverbs describe verbs and adjectives. To form regular adverbs, add ‘-ly’ to most adjectives. Words ending in ‘-y’ change...
Adjectives & Adverbs How can you form adverbs of manner (which describe how things happen)? Study the grammar reference chart below. Adverbs describe verbs and adjectives. To form regular adverbs, add ‘-ly’ to most adjectives. Words ending in ‘-y’ change to ‘-ily’. angry angrily immediate immediately anxious anxiously jealous jealously bad badly kind kindly brave bravely lazy lazily busy busily loud loudly calm calmly natural naturally careful carefully nervous nervously careless carelessly painful painfully certain certainly patient patiently correct correctly perfect perfectly curious curiously playful playfully eager eagerly polite politely easy easily quick quickly excited excitedly quiet quietly extreme extremely rude rudely fast fast safe safely fortunate fortunately selfish selfishly furious furiously separate separately generous g