Iman Regarding this in Lisan'ul Arab the following is mentioned: “Kufr; is the opposite of Iman. It is said: "We have Iman in Allah and rejected the Taghout.” Then Kafr means the one who does not have Iman (belief), the one who rejects. The word Takfr is...
Iman Regarding this in Lisan'ul Arab the following is mentioned: “Kufr; is the opposite of Iman. It is said: "We have Iman in Allah and rejected the Taghout.” Then Kafr means the one who does not have Iman (belief), the one who rejects. The word Takfr is taken from the same root and it means to attribute one to Kufr." (Ibn Manzur Lisan'ul Arab 5/144) Therefore from the Shari'ah point of view anyone who does not have an acceptable Iman is Kafr. Again in the same work of Ibn Manzur, he mentions Lugat (Grammarian/Language) scholar Zajjaj defnition to be as follows: “Iman is to show Khudhu (submission) and Qabul (acceptance) of the Shari'ah and that which the Nabi sallalahu alayhi wa sallam brought, and by heart to have I’tiqad (frm belief) and Tasdiq (confrm its truthfulness).” (see Lisan'ul Arab, 13/23) Since Kufr is the opposite of Iman not submitting to the Shari'ah and to deny/reject anything from the Shari'ah is Kufr as well. Ibn Qayyim said the following: “Islam is, actualizing the