Lafdh (the Utterance) and Mana (Meaning) of La-ilaha Illallah Know that; may Allah Ta’ala have mercy upon you, La-ilaha illallah is a great word and its loyalty is prevailing. Whoever holds onto it will be hold (saved) and whoever devotes himself to it will...
Lafdh (the Utterance) and Mana (Meaning) of La-ilaha Illallah Know that; may Allah Ta’ala have mercy upon you, La-ilaha illallah is a great word and its loyalty is prevailing. Whoever holds onto it will be hold (saved) and whoever devotes himself to it will be devoted (saved). Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Who says that there is no god worthy of being worshiped except Allah and rejects everything what is worshipped beside Allah, his property and blood became inviolable, an their affairs rest with Allah (Azza wa Jalla)." (Muslim, Hadith no: 23) What this Hadith discloses is: La-ilaha illallah has both Lafdh (the utterance) and Mana (meaning). However people are in three Firqah (groups/sects) regarding it. The (frst) Firqah; say it and realized it, know that it has meaning and act upon it and (also know that) it has nullifers and abstain from it. And the (second) Firqah; seem to utter it in Dhahir (apparent), they adorn their Dhahir with the statement while penetrating