Downloaded from on 14 May 2006 142 HEROES AND MARTYRS OF QUALITY AND SAFETY Walter A Shewhart, 1924, and the Hawthorne factory M B e s t , D Ne u h a u s e r...
Downloaded from on 14 May 2006 142 HEROES AND MARTYRS OF QUALITY AND SAFETY Walter A Shewhart, 1924, and the Hawthorne factory M B e s t , D Ne u h a u s e r ............................................................................................................................... Qual Saf Health Care 20 0 6 ; 1 5 : 142– 143 . doi : 10 . 113 6 / q s hc. 20 0 6 . 0 18 0 93 T he year 1924—at a factory in Cicero, Illinois—saw the S hewhart id entified two categ ories of v ariation which he start of two of the m ost im p ortant d ev elop m ents ev er in called ‘ ‘ assig nab le- cau se’ ’ and ‘ ‘ chance- cau se’ ’ v ariation. m anag erial think ing . In M ay that year W alter S hewhart O thers call the two categ ories ‘ ‘ sp ecial- cau se’ ’ and ‘ ‘ com - d escrib ed the first control chart which lau nched statistical m on- cau se’ ’ v ariation, resp ectiv ely. H e d ev ised the control p rocess control and q u ality im p rov em ent. In N ov em b er of chart as a too