GRADE 12 ENGLISH: Grammar & Composition English 12 is designed to incorporate a program of English literature, composition, grammar, vocabu- lary, and outside reading into a senior-level English class. The study of grammar is not stressed in the senior year...
GRADE 12 ENGLISH: Grammar & Composition English 12 is designed to incorporate a program of English literature, composition, grammar, vocabu- lary, and outside reading into a senior-level English class. The study of grammar is not stressed in the senior year as much as in earlier years because of the extensive background that students should have gained from previous study; however, grammar is still taught briefly each day. Grammar instruction includes correcting homework exercises from Workbook VI for Handbook of Grammar and Composi- tion and briefly presenting new material from Handbook of Grammar and Composition. Added Enrichment Evaluation English teaching transparencies Grammar quizzes (17) Character analysis Tests (8), mid-semester tests (2) Extended definition Semester exam, final exam Optional (graded at teacher discretion): Compositions: Paragraphs, book reviews Essays (5) Character sketch, original poem Argumentative essay Extemporaneous