WORKSHEET 1 PRESENT CONTINUO 8th GRADE - UNIT 5 INSTRUCTIONS: Write 5 affirmative sentences using Present continuo, 5 negative sentences and 5 with interrogative sentences. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES He's drawing a beautiful landscape. She's dancing in the park....
WORKSHEET 1 PRESENT CONTINUO 8th GRADE - UNIT 5 INSTRUCTIONS: Write 5 affirmative sentences using Present continuo, 5 negative sentences and 5 with interrogative sentences. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES He's drawing a beautiful landscape. She's dancing in the park. They´re jumping with the rope. Maria is cooking lunch. Jose is eating that Maria cook. NEGATIVE SENTENCES He isn't eating his breakfast. Miguel isn't clean his bedroom. Cloe isn't reading her book of the day. She isn't jumping in the bed. They aren't dancing in the school. INTERROGATIVE SENTECES Is he having dinner at his mother's house? Is she cleaning his room? Are they sleeping early? Is she cooking over the campfire? Is he running in the morning?