ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 EURASIAN СENTRE FOR ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE (ECAQA) ECAQA Standards for Institutional Accreditation of the Postgraduate Institutions for Medical and Health Professions Education’s Specification is...
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 EURASIAN СENTRE FOR ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE (ECAQA) ECAQA Standards for Institutional Accreditation of the Postgraduate Institutions for Medical and Health Professions Education’s Specification is compatible with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG/Part I) and the World Federation for Medical Education Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Postgraduate Medical Education and include the institutional needs and national Health Care System priorities. Standards and Guidelines World Federation for ECAQA’s Standards for for Quality Assurance in Medical Education Institutional Accreditation in the European Higher (WFME) Global Standards PGME/National Education Area (ESG/Part for Quality Improvement in Specifications (compliance I) Medical Education with WFME&ESG) Part 1: Standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance STANDARD: STANDARD 8. STANDARD 8. 1.1 Policy