Magazine SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses time no Photoshop experiences idea / concept no experience making websites understanding my idea / concept (my brother limited money budget and friends are vegans) rely on public transport on shoot days original...
Magazine SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses time no Photoshop experiences idea / concept no experience making websites understanding my idea / concept (my brother limited money budget and friends are vegans) rely on public transport on shoot days original idea organised / good time management don't need to depend on multiples models / cast (1 or 2 is enough) Have learnt bout the Big Issue Opportunities Threats educate the audience and myself - benefits weather conditions (changing the look of of being vegan and reusing clothes / pictures - too light / dark) buying sustainable clothes finding models who are comfortable in develop photography / editing / Photoshop front on the camera skills Model drop outs use YouTube tutorials to build skills add to future CV