Haematology and biochemistry effects of acepromazine or detomidine sedation in horses D Fisher1, Y Rautenbach1, M Hewetson2, G Zeiler1 1. Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort,...
Haematology and biochemistry effects of acepromazine or detomidine sedation in horses D Fisher1, Y Rautenbach1, M Hewetson2, G Zeiler1 1. Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort, South Africa 2. Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom email: Diana.Fisher@up.ac.za Objective To determine the effects of acepromazine and detomidine standing sedation on haematological and biochemical variables in horses. Study design A blinded randomised, comparative study. Animal population Twelve Nooitgedachter horses and four thoroughbred horses. Methods Horses were enrolled into the study to receive one of two intravenous treatments (n = 8 per treatment group): acepromazine maleate (ACE; 0.05 mg kg-1), or detomidine hydrochloride (DET; 0.01 mg kg-1). One week later, eight of the horses were randomly assigned to undergo a control treatment (CON; received no drug, but underwent the same procedures). On the day of data c