Absurd is one of the volumes of philosophical poetry most appreciated by specialists but also by the general public. A short excerpt from this book: from the poem entitled Long funeral convoys of Memories:
It's so much burning heat of Words,
in all this...
Absurd is one of the volumes of philosophical poetry most appreciated by specialists but also by the general public. A short excerpt from this book: from the poem entitled Long funeral convoys of Memories:
It's so much burning heat of Words,
in all this mire of Thoughts,
insalubrious and decomposed,
which are drank in the cups of desert,
of the Non-Senses of Existence,
on the nameless streets of the Dreams,
which wander chaotically,
through the agglomerations of the Balances,
on which we live,
the Eternities of Moments killed,
and led,
in long funeral convoys of Memories,
toward the poor graves,
of the Glances of the Absurd.