- T.5: MECHANISMS - 1. what is a mechanism? · Mechanisms are a system of parts working together that make work easier because they transmit and transform force and motion. · All of these mechanisms require an: - Input force and motion from some...
- T.5: MECHANISMS - 1. what is a mechanism? · Mechanisms are a system of parts working together that make work easier because they transmit and transform force and motion. · All of these mechanisms require an: - Input force and motion from some type of source. - Input source: ex; our muscles, an animal, electric motor, the force of running water, or the movement of weights. - Receptors finally perform the work. - Output force and motion. 1.1 THE PARTS OF A MECHANISM · Mechanisms transmit and transform force and motion from an input source (motor) to an output receptor. This transmission and transformation lets us perform different types of work with more comfort and less effort.