Turkey is distinguished from developing countries with its vibrant economy and rapid response times. The recent pandemic has shown us this once again. In our country, where the first case was seen by March 2020, several restrictions were lifted as of the...
Turkey is distinguished from developing countries with its vibrant economy and rapid response times. The recent pandemic has shown us this once again. In our country, where the first case was seen by March 2020, several restrictions were lifted as of the beginning of June and life started again under the new ‘normal’ conditions. The production process, which started
again in May, has accelerated with June. Seeing the results of this in the export figures of June gives the Turkish textile industry strength and morale. In the Covid-19 period, exports experienced the
bottom level in April due to international closures and prohibitions. Significant decreases were experienced especially in the European region, which is the main
market of the Turkish textile and apparel industry. Our news on this subject provides you all the details.