N45UH N45UH Grade Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact ALB Characteristic Units C // C for additional grade...
N45UH N45UH Grade Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets These are also referred to as "Neo" or NdFeB magnets. They offer a combination of high magnetic output at moderate cost. Please contact ALB Characteristic Units C // C for additional grade information and recommendations for protective coating. Reversible Temperature Coefficients (1) Assemblies using these magnets can also be provided. Thermal Properties of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120 of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.465 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2) -6 Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1 Gauss 13,200 13,500 13,800 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6 Br, Residual Induction mT 1320 1350 1380 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460 Magnetic Properties Oersteds 12,500 12,850 13,200 Curie Temperature, Tc ºC 310 HcB, Coercivity kA/m 995 1023 1050 psi 41,300 Flexural Strength Properties Oersteds 24,000 MPa 285 HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity Other kA/m 1,910 Density g/cm3 7.5 MGOe 43 45 47 Hardness, Vickers Hv 62