BA IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 551025 – PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE II LESSON PLAN FOR ONLINE SPEAKING LESSONS Student Teacher’s Name: María Fernanda Díaz Garrido Code: 1’098. 647.087 CEAD: Bucaramanga Course: English III Date: September 26th, 2019...
BA IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 551025 – PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE II LESSON PLAN FOR ONLINE SPEAKING LESSONS Student Teacher’s Name: María Fernanda Díaz Garrido Code: 1’098. 647.087 CEAD: Bucaramanga Course: English III Date: September 26th, 2019 Topic: Present simple vs. Present continuous Lesson Nr: 02 Objective(s): Recognize the differences between Present simple and Present continuous. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TIMING TEACHING RESOURCES Warm-Up: Online crossword We are going to internalize the vocabulary referring to natural disasters. (Unit 1-online book) mes/crossword/natural- disasters-14/ § An unexpected vibration and shaking of the tectonic plates that make the surface of the earth move violently. (Earthquake) Online book § An excess of water on top of the land. (Flood) ontenidos/551011/ebook/Virtu § A big and destructive sea wave caused by a alEnglish_4/Unit_1/html/objeti volcanic eruption or a submarine earthqua