The Zodiac Constitution By C.M. Bey, OAA zLzl4llLlbrary of Congress, Washington, D.C e ae##. r s L -{11I A rticle 1 The Twelve Signs of The Zodiac, The Code of Mathematics scaling from zero to nine (0 - 9), and the Science of Geometry (G), comprise the...
The Zodiac Constitution By C.M. Bey, OAA zLzl4llLlbrary of Congress, Washington, D.C e ae##. r s L -{11I A rticle 1 The Twelve Signs of The Zodiac, The Code of Mathematics scaling from zero to nine (0 - 9), and the Science of Geometry (G), comprise the Constitution of the Living Moorish Nation of l.{crrh Arrerica, re.fened to as; 'Negroes", who ruled the world and the Seven Seas by the 12 Signs of The Zodiac and the Science of Geometry (G), for eleven hundred and ninety-six years, to the Amazon Dutch-Gerrnan Catholic Priesthood Fathers of the Revolution of 1789, and the Sister&ood Maqga Charta, Emancipation Proclamation, Union Society of White Supremacy, in 1863 North America. The Twelve Jurymen of the 50 Union States Sociefy, and also the none judges of the Supreme Court, were founded upon the Moorish Nation's 12 Signs of the zodiac Constitution and Mathematics scaling from zero to nine (0 - 9). Thus without our Moorish Constitution, the Manga Chatta- Ernancipation Proclamation, Union