_.rqr Certificate of Registration FORMTX For a Nondramatlc Lttrary Work ,UNITED This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE Office in accordance with title ry, United States Code, attests that registration has been mad.e...
_.rqr Certificate of Registration FORMTX For a Nondramatlc Lttrary Work ,UNITED This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE Office in accordance with title ry, United States Code, attests that registration has been mad.e for the work TXu 1'123-633 identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. lmffililttffi]ilH1ffi {r/ _ ,, , Tvu 12?6331 r EFFEcIvE DATE oF REcrsriluooy' Je d3 o&, Acting lJnited States Register of Copyrights and Director DO NOT IVRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED TrcRE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CO{NNUATION SHEET. TITLE OF THIS WORK V R ATTERNA PUBTfiEATION AS A CONTRIB work was published as a contribution to a periodical, serial, or collrtion, give information about the collective work in which the contribution appeared. Title of Collective Work Y If published in a periodical or serial give: Volume Y Number Y Issue Dete V On Pagcc V NAME OT ORV DATES OT BIRTII AI{D DEATH YearDie