WALES Flag Map Capital Cardif English and welsh Official languages Sovereing state United Kingdom England and Wales Monrach King of Wales was a very rarely used title, because Wales, much like Ireland, never achieved a degree of political unity, like that...
WALES Flag Map Capital Cardif English and welsh Official languages Sovereing state United Kingdom England and Wales Monrach King of Wales was a very rarely used title, because Wales, much like Ireland, never achieved a degree of political unity, like that of England or Scotland during the Middle Ages. While many diferent leaders in Wales claimed the title of 'King of Wales', the country was only truly united once: under the rule of Grufydd ap Llywelyn from 1055 to 1063 First Minister The First Minister of Wales (Welsh: Prif Weinidog Cymru) is the leader of the Welsh Government, Wales' devolved administration Total area in km2 20.735 km² Total population 3,099 milions (2015) Density of population Wales has been inhabited by modern humansfor at least 29,000 years. Currency Libra Esterlina Currency simbol He pound is made up of 100 pence exactly like the dollar is split into 100 cents. The singular of pence is "penny". The symbol for the penny is "p"; hence an amount such as 50p is often