LESSONS PLAN OF Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Introduction This teaching unit will explore Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. It has been planned to involve and make students appreciate a literary work and literature in foreign language. It enables...
LESSONS PLAN OF Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Introduction This teaching unit will explore Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. It has been planned to involve and make students appreciate a literary work and literature in foreign language. It enables students to recognise the different literary genres, in this case drama. The specific practical activities proposed allow students to develop textual analysis and literary terminology without forgetting the consolidation of their language skills. Target group This teaching unit is intended for a 5th class of a Liceo Scientifico. Objectives Formative objectives: appreciate the pleasure of literary work; improve students’ ability to read and discuss texts; improve students’ ability to work in an independent way; recognise the importance of team working. Literary objectives: learn the main features of the Theatre of the Absurd; learn the main characteristics of the play Waiting for Godot. Linguistic objectives: improve students’ reading/