HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU! Hi everybody! We are here working for our project called "hello, nice to meet you", about ourselves, our freetime activities, hobbies, interests and sports. Of course it is not a scientific research but it is very interesting...
HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU! Hi everybody! We are here working for our project called "hello, nice to meet you", about ourselves, our freetime activities, hobbies, interests and sports. Of course it is not a scientific research but it is very interesting because it is a pleasant way of introducing each other. We prepared the following questionnaire: ·0 Name (what's your name?) our students' names ( Ana, Antonio,Christian2, ·1 Surname (what's your surname?) ·2 Age (how old are you?) ·3 Nationality (what's your nationality?where are you from?) Italian: 12 German:1 Brasilian:2 Romenian:1 Chinese:3 Homecountry(where do you live?) ·4 Hometown (mainly Abruzzo and Marche)