THE NOVEL It is written in prose It is It is a fictitious narrative It has (fiction comes from the Latin word fingere) actions It depicts imaginary events and characters anyway It has It has a in some sense “representative of real life” characters plot THE...
THE NOVEL It is written in prose It is It is a fictitious narrative It has (fiction comes from the Latin word fingere) actions It depicts imaginary events and characters anyway It has It has a in some sense “representative of real life” characters plot THE FEATURES OF A NARRATIVE TEXT The setting Story The place The time Sequence of events of the story of the story interior exterior The time of the day, Chronological the season, criterion In medias res Description the year; events presented the narration of historical factors in the order begins landscape, interiors, objects in which half way they happen through in the story the story Characters Plot The narration begins at the end Round Flat of the story. fully single Events are The narration described, quality, reconstructed begins towards complete stereotype, through the end identity, no change “flash backs” of the story, development which the reader learns through the reports of one or more characters, in retrospects