Urban Land-use and Traffic Congestion: Mapping the Interaction 1 * Ph.D. Candidate James Kanyepe , 2 Prof. Dr. Marian Tukuta , 3 Prof. Dr. Innocent Chirisa 1 and 2 Department of Supply Chain Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe 3...
Urban Land-use and Traffic Congestion: Mapping the Interaction 1 * Ph.D. Candidate James Kanyepe , 2 Prof. Dr. Marian Tukuta , 3 Prof. Dr. Innocent Chirisa 1 and 2 Department of Supply Chain Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe 3 Department of Demography Settlement & Development, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe E-mail 1: jameskanyepe@gmail.com, E-mail 2: paidamoyo2016@gmail.com E-mail 3: innocent.chirisa@gmail.com
Article History:
Received 25 October 2020
Accepted 15 December 2020
Available online 19 December 2020
Peak Hour;
Traffic Congestion;
Travel Patterns;
Travel Behavior.
The interaction between transport, land-uses and travel patterns produce diverse transportation problems in urban cities with traffic congestion as the most visible manifestation. Traffic congestion is a frequent phenomenon in most cities around the globe. This paper reviews the interaction between land-use traffic congestion