edison m i ddle school h u b b le m i ddle school 1125 south wheaton avenue 3s600 herrick road wheaton, il 60189 warrenville, il 60555 (630)682-2050 (630)821-7900 w w w.cusd200.org/edison w w w.cusd200.org/hubble f r an kli n m i ddle school mon roe m i...
edison m i ddle school h u b b le m i ddle school 1125 south wheaton avenue 3s600 herrick road wheaton, il 60189 warrenville, il 60555 (630)682-2050 (630)821-7900 w w w.cusd200.org/edison w w w.cusd200.org/hubble f r an kli n m i ddle school mon roe m i ddle school 211 east fr anklin street distr ict 1855 manchester road wheaton, il 60187 office wheaton, il 60187 (630)682-2060 130 w. park avenue (630)682-2285 w w w.cusd200.org/fr anklin wheaton, il 60189 w w w.cusd200.org/monroe (630)682-2000 w w w.cusd200.org 2020-21 MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK community unit school district 200 Most of the information referenced in this student handbook is based on Board of Education policy. A complete policy manual is posted on the District’s website www.cusd200.org. Policy manuals are also available for review in each of the District’s schools and at the School Service Center, 130 W. Park Ave., Wheaton, 60189. School rules published in this handbook are subject to such changes as needed to ensure contin