How ... more The comparison places the "I" and the "you" in front of each other and highlights their similarities and differences. The How lived before the Other, Jesus Christ, demands imitation, abandonment to his Paschal Mystery. The realization of this...
How ... more The comparison places the "I" and the "you" in front of each other and highlights their similarities and differences. The How lived before the Other, Jesus Christ, demands imitation, abandonment to his Paschal Mystery. The realization of this how is pursued through the capacity and the modalities - never equal - of conjugating LOVE: "as I have loved you, love one another...". In the confrontation with the brother, the sister, with the surrounding world, the how of love is embodied in today's world and helps one to become aware of one's own very personal call in order to respond to it resolutely. Maria De Mattias, placed in front of God, the needs of others and circumstances, was able to recognize the "more" of the "like Jesus of love". She found what qualified her specific mission in the Church and carried it out with determined lucidity: On this occasion here I am sincerely expressing my desires to you. I would like the Pious Institute of the Teachers to be under the Titl