our word … ty a Year XXI - N. 7 - May 2018 … ASC International Communications - Head Office - Via Maria De Mattias, 10 - 00183, Rome www.adoratrici-asc.org redazioneasc@adoratrici-asc.org AN OPEN WINDOW FOR THE FUTURE We have to throw open the window to the...
our word … ty a Year XXI - N. 7 - May 2018 … ASC International Communications - Head Office - Via Maria De Mattias, 10 - 00183, Rome www.adoratrici-asc.org redazioneasc@adoratrici-asc.org AN OPEN WINDOW FOR THE FUTURE We have to throw open the window to the fu- often live in the precariousness of the future, ture by planning together, daring together and with the immigrants who do not feel welcome. sacrificing together. There is no journeying alone It is a challenge to leave our secure niches, to lift anymore… up our eyes together in a rainbow that traces out These are the words of Father Tonino Bello, bridges between different cultures and nationali- one of today’s prophets who already twenty-five ties. It is a challenge to dare to find paths of hope editorial years ago indicated a new path for men and wo- that go beyond the logic of economic globaliza- men with the scent of the Gospel. tion in order to defend the rights of the poor and This challenge to journey ahead, or rather limit