PRAYER IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC This prayer can be prayed in community or individually. We begin as we begin all things: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Introduction to the Prayer Jesus died, not from a loss of blood...
PRAYER IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC This prayer can be prayed in community or individually. We begin as we begin all things: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Introduction to the Prayer Jesus died, not from a loss of blood from the scourging, or the crowning with thorns, carrying his cross, or being nailed to it. He died because he was no longer able to breathe. Many people today are dying as Jesus did, by suffocation, the inability to breathe. Our earth is struggling to breathe…there are viruses everywhere – racism, sexism, pollution, lack of care for our Common Home, violence of all kinds, human trafficking, greed, consumerism, individualism, disregard for life in all its forms, injustice, COVID 19 and so many more…viruses that take the breath of life away. When Jesus breathed his last breath on the cross, he breathed it on us and all creation. He breathed on us his Holy Spirit. We received this Breath of the Spirit in Baptism and it still lives and br