This morning, Russia is once again attempting to use this Council to launder its disinformation, spread its propaganda, and justify its unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine. We know this because it’s a well-worn playbook. Just one week ago, they convened...
This morning, Russia is once again attempting to use this Council to launder its disinformation, spread its propaganda, and justify its unprovoked and brutal attack on Ukraine. We know this because it’s a well-worn playbook. Just one week ago, they convened the Council under precisely the same pretenses, and we heard a litany of bombastic and preposterous lies. This meeting, and these lies, are designed for one purpose: to deflect responsibility for Russia’s war of choice and the humanitarian catastrophe it has caused. As you all know – and as we must remind the public – it is Moscow that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law – not Ukraine. It is Moscow that has a well-documented history of using chemical weapons – not Ukraine. And it is Moscow that started this senseless war. So, we are here today to call Russia to account. To speak the truth. And to ensure their lies and disinformation are met with fact. It must also be said that Russia is