´ Z´ 2009 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31st ICRC, ŁOD 1 Water Cherenkov Detectors response to a Gamma Ray Burst in the Large Aperture GRB Observatory D. Allarda , C. Alvarezb , H. Asoreyc , H. Barrosd , X. Bertouc , M. Castilloe , J.M. Chirinosf , A. De Castrod , S....
´ Z´ 2009 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31st ICRC, ŁOD 1 Water Cherenkov Detectors response to a Gamma Ray Burst in the Large Aperture GRB Observatory D. Allarda , C. Alvarezb , H. Asoreyc , H. Barrosd , X. Bertouc , M. Castilloe , J.M. Chirinosf , A. De Castrod , S. Floresg , J. Gonzalezh , M. Gomez Berissoc , J. Grajalese , C. Guadai , W.R. Guevara Dayj , J. Ishitsukag , J.A. L´opezk , O. Mart´ıneze , A. Melfoi , E. Mezal , P. Miranda Lozam , E. Moreno Barbosae , C. Murrugarrad , L.A. N´un˜ ezi , L.J. Otiniano Ormacheaj , G. Perezn , Y. Perezi , E. Poncee , J. Quispem , C. Quinteroi , H. Riveram , M. Rosalesi , A.C. Roveroo , O. Saavedrap , H. Salazare,1 , J.C. Tellod , R. Ticona Peraldam , E. Varelae , A. Velardem , L. Villasenorq , D. Wahlg , M.A. Zamalloar (LAGO Collaboration) a APC, CNRS et Universit´ e Paris 7. France b Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas, UNACH. M´ exico arXiv:0906.0820v1 [astro-ph.HE] 4 Jun 2009 c Centro At´ omico Bariloche, Instituto Balseiro. Argentina d Laboratorio de F´ı