,yfr'wf.r\ i.R fr,fT ut,r'.r'7p/uut yF.c *.r' q"vro\_ IFI CATE o/. AC H IEVEM ENT THIS CONFIRIrlS TO ALL: JOHN EARL THOMAS III Now Known As: Heru Menthu El Eas Snccessfully Conrpleted The :Indigenous Standing Process@rH in Accord with the Constitution of...
,yfr'wf.r\ i.R fr,fT ut,r'.r'7p/uut yF.c *.r' q"vro\_ IFI CATE o/. AC H IEVEM ENT THIS CONFIRIrlS TO ALL: JOHN EARL THOMAS III Now Known As: Heru Menthu El Eas Snccessfully Conrpleted The :Indigenous Standing Process@rH in Accord with the Constitution of the :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors, Motu Proprio, Pope Francis [:'I Urge the Downtrodden to Change the World Economic Order," UNDRIP, ADRIP, UN Charter, UN IDPOAD and With The Soul of Our Ancestors Nour. Yamassic Date: Tzod Year' 5th Month'=f"?r, [September 19, zo17] | -^h/'Ay/v -ryrl/L v: vfrc;wp :1', ; :Ch;.f, Ni ,. i t dtya-Sl.,robv', r, I ,WrM €il'wrM :Plenipotentiary of :T\rrtle Island, Atla& A.rrlercrn, Muu-Iarq Hexian :Ctrief Nanya-Shaabu:Eil @O'- :At-sik-hata :I{ation of :Yamassee-Moors