19-CommercialExplosives Commercial Explosives I have included here the essentials of the US Army FM 5-250. Take the time to read this, it is like an undergraduate degree in explosive demolitions. This manual describes the characteristics and proper use of...
19-CommercialExplosives Commercial Explosives I have included here the essentials of the US Army FM 5-250. Take the time to read this, it is like an undergraduate degree in explosive demolitions. This manual describes the characteristics and proper use of every type of explosive in military use today. The sections on specific demolition operations, such as destroying bridges, contain a wealth of information necessary to the White separatist. This Field Manual is reproduced without permission. 1. Military Explosives 2. Initiating, Firing and Detonating Systems 3. Calculation and Placement of Charges 4. Bridge Demolition 5. Demolition Safety file:///C|/2-eMule Downloads/Military - US Army - FM 5-250 - Military Explosives/19-CommercialExplosives.htm12/13/2006 7:24:31 AM