In this month’s Excursions, we take you to one of our favourite domestic destinations, the coastal town of Cherating, whose languid beachside village and surrounding
areas exude an easy-going charm. And while the beaches of Cherating are admittedly not...
In this month’s Excursions, we take you to one of our favourite domestic destinations, the coastal town of Cherating, whose languid beachside village and surrounding
areas exude an easy-going charm. And while the beaches of Cherating are admittedly not world-class, they’re nice enough – and you’ll be likely to have plenty of space to yourself, too. Regionally, we take a closer look at what we’re calling Southeast Asia’s ‘second cities’ – destinations that aren’t necessarily at the top of any one country’s travel food chain, but are worthwhile places to go, nevertheless. Think Lyon instead of Paris, or Osaka instead of Tokyo. With that idea in mind, we visit a city, ironically enough, called the ‘Paris of the East’ – Bandung, Indonesia.