Th e H o ly E u ch a ri s t THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY • 26 DECEMBER 2021 • 11 AM Today’s service will be live-streamed for our online congregation. Cameras focus primarily on vested ministers, but others in the cathedral may also be visible in...
Th e H o ly E u ch a ri s t THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY • 26 DECEMBER 2021 • 11 AM Today’s service will be live-streamed for our online congregation. Cameras focus primarily on vested ministers, but others in the cathedral may also be visible in live or archived video. Fully vaccinated clergy and lay leaders may remove their masks while speaking or singing, following local guidance. All other participants are asked to remain masked and maintain a 3-foot distance from members of other households. Grace Cathedral is committed to reducing paper consumption, and exploring the expanded role of technology in worship. Please consider viewing this leaflet on a personal electronic device. VOLUNTARY Berceuse Paraphrase George Baker Th e G at h e ri n g The people stand as the procession enters. INTROIT Piae Cantiones, 1582; arr. G. R. Woodward Choir Ding-dong, ding: Ding-a-dong-a-ding: Ding-dong, ding-dong: Ding-a-dong- ding. Up! good Christen folk, and listen howw the merry churchbells