LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES CLASSIFICATION (Rebecca L. Oxford) Chart prepared by Iván Potier H. from LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES CLASSIFICATION (Rebecca L. Oxford) MAIN CATEGORY GROUP 1 function Strategy Action or thinking operation Direct Strategies...
LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES CLASSIFICATION (Rebecca L. Oxford) Chart prepared by Iván Potier H. from LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES CLASSIFICATION (Rebecca L. Oxford) MAIN CATEGORY GROUP 1 function Strategy Action or thinking operation Direct Strategies Strategies that directly involve the target language. They require mental processing of the TL, in different manners and for different purposes. (Oxford, p. 37) Memory Strategies Storing and retrieving of new information. Creating Mental Linkages 1. Grouping 2. Associating/elaborating 3. Placing new words into a context Applying Images and Sounds 1. Using imagery 2. Semantic mapping 3. Using key words 4. Representing Sounds in memory Reviewing Well 1. Structured reviewing Employing action 1. Using physical response or sensation 2. Using mechanical techniques Cognitive Strategies Understanding and producing new language by different means. Practicing 1. Repeating 2. Formally practicing with sounds and writing system 3. Recognizing and usi