Alien opening title sequence analysis This title sequence consists of a dark screen and the credits coming up over it. The background shows to the audience that the film could potentially be set in space as this is the first thing that appears on the...
Alien opening title sequence analysis This title sequence consists of a dark screen and the credits coming up over it. The background shows to the audience that the film could potentially be set in space as this is the first thing that appears on the screen, we see planets in the background which suggests the film is set in space or space related. The prolonged opening of the film where they are spelling out the title of the film ‘alien’ portrays to the audience that something bad could be about to happen. The font it is being spelled out in is also unusual, once again connotes an unusual vibe to the viewer. Also in the background a picture is trying to be made, however the audience can’t quite work out the picture just yet. Therefore this creates suspense for the viewers as it will make them want to continue watching the film onwards to find out what is going to happen. The music in the background of the credits is spooky which conveys a sense that something bad in this film is going