The Great Controversy, as a historical drama covers the Reformation, Enlightenment and Awakening, culminating in modernity with its contingent political and spiritual struggles. All humanity is embattled in the conflict between good and evil, regarding...
The Great Controversy, as a historical drama covers the Reformation, Enlightenment and Awakening, culminating in modernity with its contingent political and spiritual struggles. All humanity is embattled in the conflict between good and evil, regarding God's identity, character and sovereignty. Originating in heaven with Lucifer, who in self-exalting pride became Satan, this Adversary led into rebellion a portion of the angels, introducing the spirit of rebellion. This fall from grace provoked the disorder of the created world and the perversion of the nature of man. To many, the roots of sin and evil are a source of great perplexity. They question how all this can exist under the One who is infinite in wisdom, power, and love. However, the greatest delusion is soon to come with the Antichrist. Packed with riveting and ennobling biographies, the text equips all to combat the counterfeit and stand fast for truth.